“We all know that timing is everything. Trouble is, we don’t know much about timing itself.” – Dan Pink
When is the worst time of the day?
The book written by Dan Pink uncovers some of the mysteries around time by using scientific evidence. Here are some questions used in one of his recent talks about the book to give you the idea of “When” is the right time.
We should all avoid the time between 2.00pm – 4.00pm and especially the unproductive time in the middle 2.55pm. This period Pink refers to as the “Trough”. The studies show that CEOs are more likely to make mistakes on an earnings call in the afternoon.
Studies show that if your line Manager is returning just after a break they will be refreshed enough to make a more positive decision. Pink based this on analysis of parole board decisions, prisoners repeatedly got a more favourable decision just after lunch than just before lunch as the peak of the morning wore off.
We use a temporal landmark this is a point in time that we naturally think of as an opportunity for a fresh start. These come in two forms: social temporal landmarks, dates that are seen as a fresh start by many people collectively (your birthday, anniversary etc) or New Year’s, or the other landmark is the start of a month, the start of a week, etc. Pink describe it as mental accounting of when to start your spreadsheet.
Our life is planned out in episodes and this pattern leads to endings and beginnings. We are more likely to run a marathon at 29, 39, or 49 before we hit the big number. We want to achieve something at the end of that chapter or episode.
Please do get in touch for further insights on timing bev@nuggetsoflearning.co.uk
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