The achievement of completing a goal can make you feel proud and satisfied, however there is another part of you that mourns the loss of the work. The adrenalin and energy you poured into the goal can fade very quickly if you have not adopted long term habits that can be sustained you begin to question the accomplishment. Avoid creating a vacuum when the goal is complete.
The feelings people might feel at the end of the goal are:-
Disappointment may occur if the goal was to easy or if you were so unrealistic you did not achieve it . There is a fine balance between stretch and achieveable. To avoid disappointment ensure that you have milestones in place along the journey. Those milestones can be new rituals that you keep in place long after the goal. If you want to increase your revenue you would set a target and the milestones would be to make one new business call a week and one meeting a month (they will stay in place once you have smashed the revenue).
Feeling lost, could well mean there is not enough rigour around the goal. Did you map it out and plan what it looked like. Identifying where you want to be at certain points lets you know that you are on track. If you see setting goals as a journey, you need to know which destination point you have arrived at, and how long it took you to get there. This often means that you might need to tweak it. Companies split the year into quarters which is good way of assessing where you are e.g. by Q1 …
Exhausted is very close to exhilaration and elation. Build into your goal planning, celebrating and relaxing. If we don’t mark the finishing line the fatigue will run into the next set of goals.
Please do contact for a Goals workshop.
01483 898 936
Nuggets of Learning Limited
Bramley Manor,
High Street, Bramley,
Surrey, GU5 0HS
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