If you have set some goals for January make sure they are realistic. Goals that are too big can be incredibly inspiring until you don’t meet them and then they can be more demotivating than motivating. The fall out is much greater, ensure you stick to the bounds of reality.
Goals are assisted by healthy habits and rituals. Every goal should have bite sized steps to lead to the big goal. A daily ritual that gets you ever closer to the ultimate, will be far more motivating.
You need to surround yourself with the right people. Negative or toxic energy from people who doubt whether you will achieve your goals will drain the positivity leading you to the achievement.
Focus on your overall well being, a good nights sleep is vital, so therefore ensure you don’t look at your phone or tablet before bed. The messages you receive you take to bed, but scientifically the blue light will reduce the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.
Get started on those ‘real’ goals. Author Jodi Picoult said the importance of avoiding perfectionism perfectly “you can edit a bad page, but you can’t edit a blank page”.
Most importantly get organised, avoiding touching things two or three times. Everything has a place, have systems and processes in play that lead to your goals.
Make your goals visual, look at them everyday and then they will become reality.
For a goals workshop, please contact bev@nuggetsoflearning.co.uk
01483 898 936
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