“To live is to choose, but to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.” Kofi Annan
You want to set goals and be focused about the year ahead, however where do you start. Business will guide you towards the SMART goals which even before you have put pen to paper you feel disheartened.
Think about what is behind the goal what really makes you work towards them and why do you want to achieve them.
Values drive our behaviour so if before goal setting we selected the values we want to focus on we may stand a greater chance of reaching the goals.
We have so many values in place as they make up our personality. Select 10 and write them down have a look at what they are saying to you.
There might be some that are similar or some that are really saying what the year is going to be. The next step is to just select 3 from the list and see what they are saying about 2017.
These values can then underpin a goal and steer it to make it happen.
To make the goal more robust write it down as follows and answer the following questions:-
GOAL:- Business change to product led to customer focus
Date to be achieved:- December 2017
If 2017 were all about energetic, change and recognition it gives you the push to challenge every piece of work and attitude to make it happen.
From a personal perspective you could set 3 new values each month on the goals you wish to achieve.
The most important thing about goal setting is to enjoy it!!
Please do contact bev@nuggetsoflearning.co.uk for a workshop on goal setting.
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