“What are we saying goodbye to…?”
“What do we want to say hello to…?”
A new year can be great to focus on what matters most. There are so many books and guides on how to set goals. However keep it simple and stick at it and the difference for 2017 could be the turning point.
Think of three things that will make the biggest difference to you and your business:-
To focus on these three areas what do you have to say goodbye to and hello to.
If you put your fees up, you might have to say goodbye to certain Clients and sometimes this might be the maturity of the business and the right thing to do. You are saying hello to being a credible business where you have identified your worth and you are charging the right rate for your expertise.
Working less hours also might be saying goodbye to certain areas of the business that you have been enjoying, however on reflection could be done by some-one else. You may well be saying hello to more time with your family or learning something completely new.
Developing two new areas of the business may well mean dropping some less profitable parts and creating and saying hello to a new product or service.
I always believe “What gets written gets done” – write down just three things that will have the biggest difference.
A very Happy Christmas from the team at nuggets and we will be with you again in 2017.
In the meantime please contact bev@nuggetsoflearning.co.uk
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