Becoming clear on a decision, and thinking as a group should be fun and challenging. A lot will depend on the structure put in place to ensure everyone feels confident with the process. Brain storming can often feel brain draining if you do not have a right brain orientation. Traditionally left brain thinkers prefer structure, digital and organised data. It can be a very distinct turn off to be asked for arbitrary ideas to be displayed on coloured post-its.
Hexagon mapping appeals to right and left brain thinkers. The colour and general similarity to brain storming engages the right and the left like the mathematical structure the hexagons provide once displayed.
The system was devised by Anthony Hodgson in the 70’s his aim was better decision making through holistic thinking.
The process is fast and effective and appeals to all.
Please do get in touch if your team would benefit from hexagon mapping
01483 898 936
Nuggets of Learning Limited
Bramley Manor,
High Street, Bramley,
Surrey, GU5 0HS
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