The film the “Fundamentals of Caring” begins with a character completing his training as a carer with a list of fundamentals to underpin the role of the carer. The do’s and don’ts before they begin working with clients.
In business how often do we take time to explain a role from the perspective of fundamentals. As the definition below state, you could define the central importance of the job and attach principles and behaviours that are central to effectiveness and to your organisation.
Defining the word fundamental
I have been working a lot on organisational culture and a lot of teams could do with the “fundamentals of caring”:-
At the very core of culture are values and in essences the fundamentals of how you want your team to behave.
Outlining why they matter means they don’t come across as a do and don’t list.
It is not just our jobs that need fundamentals to provide a compass or a steer. There are many areas of life where we need structure and fundamentals to underpin what we are about.
Fundamentals of being a Mother
List the roles that you have in life and what do you have to lay as foundation to those hats that you wear.
Underpin the whole week with the “Fundamentals of caring”
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