We can rarely motivate some-one else to change. We are better off helping them find their own motivation to change.
In the early 1980s Bill Miller worked with people with addictions. His approach was to ask questions and just listen.
Addicts in the past had been persuaded to change, but if you insist too much you created resistance. Miller’s approach was in his words“Talk themselves into the change” Get them to say how they might change, and you are walking alongside, listening but not telling.
To start motivational interviewing it is to come from place of humility and curiosity. You don’t know what might motivate some-one to change. By asking the right questions it is like holding up a mirror, if they describe their behaviours there might be that moment where they want to change.
As coaches we are often motivating though interviewing, even as simple as changes to their working day and those life changing moments. Time and space is a key factor and being genuinely interested in what your client has to say. Often just repeating back what they have just said, can be the moment they decide to change.
It is so hard to change anyone’s behaviour unless they want to change it themselves.
Coaching is all about motivating through interviewing, please do get in touch to book a session bev@nuggetsoflearning.co.uk
01483 898 936
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