“Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing” from the book Monday Morning Leadership by David Cottrell.
The Main Thing is people’s purpose and priorities. People have different perceptions of what the Main Thing is. If as a Leader you are not clear on The Main Thing, people will leave. People quit people before they quit companies.
Simon Sinek says “Start with Why” ask your team members “Why do you come to work? what is your driver. His argument it is not what you do? but most importantly why you do it? To create a culture of trust there needs to be harmony as to how you do it? This is where you establish core values of working together. These three areas Why/How/What create Simon Sinek’s golden circle, but always starting with Why.
To identify the Main Thing break it down by using the language of strategy:-
Vision – defining where you want to be in the future
Mission – The purpose of your business (The Why and the Main Thing)
Strategy – The direction of each department eg. Finance/Marketing/Operations – that leads you to mission & vision.
Objectives – Team and individual objectives that fit into the strategy
Tasks – things that you do everyday that lead to the objectives
V alues – guiding principles of how you want to work with each other
When you define each of the areas think about companies you want to replicate and companies that you are opposed to being. Love and hate elicit powerful reactions and help position where you do want to be.
A simple team exercise is to ask every team member “What is the Main Thing…? the response to the blank space will be very varied and your role as a Leader is to get clarity.
Please do get in touch we are running the “Main Thing” workshop on Thursday 26th August 2021 @ 10.00am (90 minutes) at a cost of £40 per delegate. bev@nuggetsoflearning.co.uk
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