The title of Simon Sinek’s bestselling book first published in 2009. It is coming up to its 10th Anniversary and Sinek is running a live book club every Friday for people to ask questions around the content. As it is the 10th anniversary he is also going to update the book.
Start with why seems very real and pertinent when we are all in lock down. We have time to answer a lot of Whys?
The emphasis of the book is not what you do or how you do it but why you do it?
The why is within all of us we just need to find it.
At this time when we are worried about the stability of our mental health we need to look at how the brain works in conjunction with our Why?
What we do is a neocortex function, practical and easy to understand, you do what you do without much challenge or feeling. How you do things and why you do them is connected to our limbic brain where all our emotional responses come from.
Think about your line manager do you believe what he or she believes? Do you work together because of what you do or is it because of why you do it.
Please take a look at the Why questions if you are working and if you are not working and you have been furloughed still take time to answer the questions:-
Why is your purpose whether it be a company or an individual. At the moment people our getting out of bed to home school or they might be providing a service for their company (do they know why it matters).
Please do join me this Friday for nuggets business book review club where we will be discussing “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Apr 24, 2020 10:00 AM London
Register in advance for this meeting:
There is no need to have read the book and as a refresher or those that our new to the concept have a look at his original TED talk
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