There are many detailed business review techniques however if you want to build a quick picture and show the current landscape, here is a quick tool.
Create some cards with the following headings:-
Instructions for completing cards:-
Core activities
Your core services (please use a separate card for each activity eg. sales, products, etc…). Explain briefly during the last six months what has happened in this service area.
Business efficiency
The mechanics and processes behind your business. See suggested list below, however add anything that is relevant to the workings and effectiveness of your business. Please use separate cards for each new area.
Financial position
Assesing revenue streams (separate card for the different areas)
Over the last six months, which Clients have you been working with.
Are there any highs or lows that you would like to record in regard to competitor activity. A new service or way of doing business that has a positive or negative effect on your business.
Once you have completed your cards in all the areas, you can then sort them into the following headings:-
To make the exercise into a team activity you can post the cards into buckets with the headings above and then review them as a group.
Please do get in touch for nuggets to facilitate a review of your business
01483 898 936
Nuggets of Learning Limited
Bramley Manor,
High Street, Bramley,
Surrey, GU5 0HS
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