Last night in “I’m Celebrity get me out of here” we saw the most amazing team work. They were all involved in a challenge and there was no-one who did not have a role and no-one who did not perform. Albeit very different to an office situation we can learn a lot from a group of people who come together and focus on a common goal.
The 7 hallmarks of a highly effective team give you an idea of how those random celebrities are learning to work together:-
The office might not be the jungle, however how many of the hallmarks can be applied to your team. As an exercise get each team member to give a score out of 10 as to where you are currently on each of the hallmarks. Revisit the score in 90 days to see if you can come up with actions to improve the score.
For a team workshop please contact
01483 898 936
Nuggets of Learning Limited
Bramley Manor,
High Street, Bramley,
Surrey, GU5 0HS
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