The old saying was “People leave People not jobs” therefore we must treat are star employees like people.
Invest in a relationship with them, understand their values, what do they get out of bed for in the morning. Some people say work is work, however there is always something behind their motives. Work is a need to fulfil all other areas of life.
Therefore when we are in work how can you ensure they stay on the journey with you:-
1. Get to know your employees.
Meet with them for 1:1 meetings once a fortnight. Take time within those meeting to go beyond current workload.
2. Make it fun
Look for opportunities to build enjoyment into their role. The brain absorbs more when it is relaxed and having fun. Laughter releases endorphins, all the ingredients of creating the right atmosphere for work.
3. Meaningful interactions
Employees who understand the big picture and feel connected to the purpose of the business, foster more loyalty. Get your team members to connect with clients make them feel a part of the whole thing.
4. Harness strengths
Identify the strengths of your employees and make sure they are exaggerated. Leveraging what some-one is good at, could be a better investment than developing an area of weakness. The opportunities within their strengths can lead to new areas of expertise.
5. Invest
Invest your time and money in your employees. Pay for them to be developed and give them your time to understand the future they see for themselves.
Please do contact for a workshop on Career Development
01483 898 936
Nuggets of Learning Limited
Bramley Manor,
High Street, Bramley,
Surrey, GU5 0HS
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