The snow globe is a very visual representation as to how we live our lives. We focus on the small things and yet some-one is forever shaking it up. The building or structure in the centre of the globe we forget about.
We enjoy achieving the small stuff as we get that buzz of achievement, we have ticked a list or highlighted an accomplishment. We release dopamine in the brain the feel good chemical, instant gratification.
We have attended 3 meetings this week however they may have no complexity. Thinking is not linear and involves engaging the brain fully. The temptation to achieve immediate is everywhere. The email pop up could easily take you away from the hard report that needs to be written and involves thinking. We get addicted at accumulating small tasks, it is called structured procrastination.
This short term horizon is due to the fact that we are now a society based on impulse. We crave automatic self stimulation, we send a message and we crave the reply. We create an addictive cycle.
We are encouraged to do more and now with technology we have no limits. There are now work addiction groups. People enjoy the control that task accomplishment gives them, where as living life does not have the same completion and control.
An example would be a Senior Executive has to forecast next year’s figures, it will be a black and white document with figures based on the evidence of the previous year. The same Executive has to manage the behaviour of their 18 month old who has not yet mastered sleeping through the night. You can guess which one has the linear thinking and the control and the latter requires a more creative approach.
The culture we have created is “Try harder” and it is a “Short time Horizon” we need to look to a broader, slower and altogether bigger horizon. Try this week to do more thinking.
Please do get in touch to explore thinking more
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