You don’t have to wrap it up and it does not cost anything.
Just ask everyone in the meeting, in the car, at the office, the nice hotel, on the country walk…whatever you are up to!! Stop what you are doing and enjoy the moment – present to them the “present”.
The present can be very uncomplicated and enjoyable if we don’t spoil it by thinking about what to say or do next.
Give your employees the “present” they will work harder and faster on what they have to achieve.
In Spencer Johnson’s book “The Present” the main character describes how when he was younger cutting people’s lawns was really enjoyable. He worked hard and had a very clear idea of what needed to get done.
“When you are fully engaged in what you are doing your mind doesn’t wander. You enjoy life. And you are happier and more effective. You are intent only on what is happening at that moment. And that focus and concentration leads to success”.
Physically go and buy the “Present” or speak to nuggets about a 90 minute workshop on the “Present”
01483 898 936
Nuggets of Learning Limited
Bramley Manor,
High Street, Bramley,
Surrey, GU5 0HS
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