As an Executive Coach I often meet clients who have experienced a dip in self confidence. We work through the following areas:
1. Purpose
We talk about why they do what they do in life and work. Finding purpose everyday is so important and then also looking at your whole life. Initially starting with daily, weekly and monthly can give people a sense of control and also perspective on what they are getting out of life. It is not what you do it is always Why you do it?
2. Choice
The language we use, even internally, can empower or immobilise us. I always challenge my clients when they say things like ‘I have to go to the office’. Remember, everything in life is a choice. You're choosing to go to the office, not being physically pushed out the door. This shift in perspective can be incredibly empowering.
3.Systems and processes
The more structure and rigour we have around life and work the more in control we feel. Think about your shower routine and then think about how many systems can you introduce for work. Eliminating decisions and thinking can free you up to feel more confident in other areas.
4. People
Surround yourself with people that make you feel good. We often use the expression of taps and drains. Spend time with people that are taps and they give you energy and avoid those indiividuals who are draining. Seeking feedback can be a great energy boost, however ensure that it is a tap and not a drain!
5. Achievement
Confidence thrives on achievement. I advise my clients to record their successes in both personal and professional realms. Take time to write down or digitally capture your achievements. Achievement underpins motivation and the act of ticking them off provides an endorphin rush that boosts confidence.
To reset your self confidence can be best achieved by working with a coach. The time is yours and it is always a safe space to talk about whatever is on your agenda at that moment in time. A coach is there to boost your self esteem and help you achieve anything you want to achieve. Please do get in touch to book a one to one session
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