According to an article in Harvard Business Review, a third of US businesses have abandoned the formal review process. There has always been a legacy of fatigue from line managers conducting appraisals and even appraisees filling in their forms.
The best scenario is regular conversations about performance and development with the focus to build the workforce your organisation needs. Business researcher Josh Bersin estimates that about 70% of multinational companies are moving toward the model of continuous chat.
Appraisals are resented as they steal time in preparation and the sessions. It is also felt that there is too much focus on rating systems and links to promotions and salaries. If conversations have not been as fluid and as meaningful as they should have been, people are surprised and only takeaway the number they have been given. Performance management is tangible and intangible so therefore how can it be just a simple metric.
As an Appraiser you have the responsibly to make the process motivational. In an ideal world you have managed expectations and had continuous conversations throughout the year, and there should be no surprises on the day. If you think of the event as a Big Chat. Be guided by just a few key questions, and do not have any preconceived idea as to what is going to happen:-
These 5 key questions, will form the basis of a Big Chat!! Steer your employees away from form filling give them these questions and ask them just to think about them before the meeting. If in advance they want to send bullet points as a summary will be a good prompt at the session.
As a Line Manager you set the tone for the Appraisal session, and it is up to you how you show up. If you decide to share how many appraisals you have conducted and how tired you are, the employee will feel that it is a form filling exercise. If you greet the team member with a smile and enthusiasm to have a Big Chat, you will be met with the same positivity.
Please do get in touch for top tips for Appraisals or a workshop on the Big Chat
01483 898 936
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