Self motivation is knowing what works for you and also what doesn't work for you. It comes from within you, however you may need to take sometime to discover your personal drive. Knowing your overall purpose, why you get out of bed in the morning. Simon Sinek says that we all need to find our Why in life. The purpose must be compelling and must act as a reference point whether it be daily, weekly or monthly. Do we still find our Why inspiring? nuggets overall purpose is to "Help people to think differently" this can be reviewed constantly and when we get examples of change in others it is hugely motivational.This comes from an internal drive and intrinsic desire to help people to think differently but also the reward of seeing the change gives us that extrinsic, external drive. To reach any purpose or goal you need self discipline and confidence.
After finding your why, self motivation needs a framework to ensure that you stay on track. From the Tony Robbins website here are 10 factors to consider.
From my work as a coach I wanted to share how I make a difference.
Alex a cafe owner was in constant toil, running a business and working in the business. As her coach I got her to take some time out and explore her Why? What we discovered was that she loved the atmosphere that the cafe had, and she was motivated about maintaining that and growing it. We realised this was a "Feel Good Vibe" that anyone who worked in the cafe, supplied the cafe and obviously customers needed to feel this and most importantly Alex needed to feel this.
This compelling Why was her compass for Why she had bought the cafe and what it gave her and others.
We created areas for her goals that fed into the Why?
Please do get in touch if you would like nuggets to explore your Why? and help with your self motivation
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