Before communicating think about what your intention is, know what you want to get out of the interaction. We often just leap into a chat and don't have an idea of what we want to get out of it. Sometimes it such an established relationship this is easy to do so, however when it is some-one new, trying being more intentional. We are more likely to get the outcome we desire if we take time to think about the purpose of the chat.
As an example:- You are aware that some-one in another department has key information that will help with your project. You identify the areas that you need clarity on.
You have the reason to reach out to this individual now it takes the initiative to make the meeting happen. By using your initiative you could do a little research on the team member. They drink coffee as you have seen them walk round the office with a particular branded cup.
The next step is to take this piece of knowledge and invite them for a coffee to talk about the project.
The 3 I's of Postive communication can be measured on scales low/medium/high. If you take the example above you could say that the coffee invitation is medium. Low would be just a catch up in the office and high may well be a lunch invitation.
Being intentional is confident and positive, taking time to use your initiative can make the invitation more attractive than just a quick off the cuff response.
Practice setting intentions and let your mind create a plan by tapping into your intellect & creativity for the initiative and then ensure the invitation is the right comfort level.
Please do get in touch for a workshop on Positive & Confident Communication or for a one to one coaching session
01483 898 936
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