To silence the negative self talk change it up and replace it with positive self talk.
We find it incredibly easy to talk down to ourselves, but this negative spiral can become a self fulfilling prophecy. By learning how to create a positive spiral we are strengthening the neural pathway that gives us confidence and courage.
Affirmations are one of the most effective ways to reaffirm ourselves. They are statements that need to be repeated at the start of the day or at a time where you need an extra boost. Just as we improve muscles in the body, by repeating affirmations we are improving our mental well being.
There is evidence that affirmations can improve performance at work in just a few months. They can release pressure and calm us before a highly pressurised meeting or presentation.
How to create an affirmation that works for you?
Focus on area that you wish to change or improve your mindset around
Example:- Speaking in Public
Make sure that it is credible and achievable
Turn the negatives into positives
Example:- "I am not talented at speaking in public" turn into a positive " I am well prepared and I am excited by the challenge of speaking to the group"
Ensure the statement is in present tense
Say it with feeling
Example:- using the word "exciting" think of an adjective
Saying an affirmation every morning could be as simple as "You've got this" or "I can handle this" or "I'm enough"
If you want to really reinforce the statement add a physical high five in the mirror as you say your affirmation several times.
Please do get in touch for a workshop on confidence or a one to one coaching session
01483 898 936
Nuggets of Learning Limited
Bramley Manor,
High Street, Bramley,
Surrey, GU5 0HS
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