The Hybrid environment is common now in most organisations, the balance of working from home and being at the office.
The key is setting it up so that it works for all team members. People need some structure and the level of rigidity is up to the culture of your team, however no guidelines at all could leave employees bewildered. If you compare the guidance and structure to a dress code policy. When people have the chance to wear anything it can make some feel uncomfortable (you remember those insecurities of the mufti day at school). Some loose idea of how you want the hybrid working to take shape. Are you looking for 2 or 3 days in the office? Are there key meetings when you need everyone in?
As a Leader ensure that you don’t have any proximity bias make sure you have robust performance management metrics that reward, based on contributions. The old days of presenteeism and visibility are being replaced by demonstrating meaningful work.
As a team decide on the tech you would all be happy to use eg. only Teams messaging and Teams meeting.
The success of hybrid working is how well you know your team members and how you wish to work together. Ask the team to complete a user manual as below:-
The environment I like to work in… | The time/hours I like to work… | The best way to communicate with me… | The ways I like to receive feedback… |
Things I need/would like… | The things I find challenging… | The things I enjoy… | Other things you should know about me… |
Agree some acceptable behaviours and some unacceptable behaviours and create your own charter or etiquette rules. Example could be turn up 2 mins early and never more than 5 mins late unless a valid reason and you have informed another team member.
Intentional is the word to think about with leading a hybrid team. You cannot be as spontaneous as before everything is done with intent. The days you spend in the office, where and when you have your team meetings, the social events and the bi-weekly or monthly catch up with your direct reports all have to be intentional.
Your role is about:-
Your aim is to have a high trust culture with adult to adult behaviour. The team working interdependently and all preferences are aligned. A high courage and high consideration environment where everyone feels psychologically safe.
Hybrid working is still evolving so you must be prepared to review constantly due to changes in the organisation or to individuals needs.
Please do get in touch if you would like a workshop on Leading in a Hybrid Environment
01483 898 936
Nuggets of Learning Limited
Bramley Manor,
High Street, Bramley,
Surrey, GU5 0HS
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