You lack energy and empathy towards others and even yourself and overall you feel unfulfilled. These ingredients lead to a cynicism towards colleagues, the company and your work. The solution is to identify why you have been left feeling this way and identify where there is a disconnect.
Ironically life might be good on paper, but there is an intersection where life and work have run into obstacles at the same time.
There are 6 factors that can give cause to burnout based on discrepancies:-
Workload – You feel overworked, is this an organisational problem or a line manager allocating too much or is it that you yourself have taken on too much. The solution would be to set boundaries as to what is acceptable to reset the discrepancy.
Reward – You feel that you are not rewarded in a comparable way to others. Clear criteria can redress this imbalance.
Community – Workplace does not provide opportunities to connect or you suffer from social anxiety. The balance of connecting and isolation which works for the workplace and the individual.
Fairness – effort vs yield, if you perceive another colleague is doing less work but being paid more, then we will become cynical towards the organisation as the effort Vs yield is not fair.
Values – people want to be challenged and valued, if this falls short and there is a discrepancy. Your values do not align eg. A Doctor cares for a patient and whilst hospital management will be focused on costs.
Use the 6 factors to identify where the discrepancy is, this is a way to move forward and out of the burnout.
Burnout is very much work or an occupational problem it is important to acknowledge that it is not depression. With burnout the hormones tend to stay neutral where as depression you carry with you and is physiological with hormones running high.
Another solution to burnout is to think about your life purpose, take time to be introspective and ask the right questions to find out what gets you out of bed in the morning.
Please do get in touch for one to one coaching or 90 minute workshops
01483 898 936
Nuggets of Learning Limited
Bramley Manor,
High Street, Bramley,
Surrey, GU5 0HS
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