Often on a Time Management workshop I will ask delegates what they would do with an extra hour. The answer they most want to give is sleep, however once we have refused that as an option they become far more creative.
This year 2020 is a Leap Year so this Saturday 29th February we will get an extra day, therefore we have 366 days instead of 365 days, however will we make the most of this opportunity.
Very old fashioned concept was that this was the only day women could propose marriage, however as this can happen at anytime during the year, what can be unique about your extra day.
Values drive our behaviour so if we want it to really count think about what matters most in your world. This may well start with the people that matter most in your life. Don’t stop there, we could do what we always do with them or we could think what else do we value and what do we want to do with their time.
Identify core values and then think about what activity you can do on Saturday that connects with those. Only select 3 from the list below, be realistic and think about who you want to be with (the list is limited so add your own ideas for core values):-
Examples of how values can lead to activities:-
Have a great Saturday and let me know what you did with your extra day?
Please do get in touch for a workshop on any management or leadership topic bev@nuggetsoflearning.co.uk
01483 898 936
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