To get your message across on email, do you sound “ Charming?”
Will the person reading your mail want to meet you if they have not already? Do you get across your personality? Do you convey a message assertively with feeling and the right level of humility.
The definition of the word “Charming” is very pleasant or attractive. Who would not want their email to convey that.
The fundamentals to bear in mind, is that it is not what you say but how you say it. You might work for an amazing brand however your written communication could be letting the brand integrity down. Your voice in email should reflect the culture of the organisation.
The tone of voice has to be a “can do” attitude a positive and confident tone.
Before you even start writing think about key ingredients:-
Be specific, ensure your message is not empty, for example:-
Better alternatives:-
Charming is about the personal touch with specifics – How are you or Hope you are well? can be just vague and have the opposite affect of appearing uncaring a perfunctory statement. The personal touch is about sincerity with confidence.
Readers always remember the last thing they read, so ensure you summarise your key points. If you had to write a Tweet of your key points, it would have to be 280 characters.
Please do get in touch if you would like a workshop on “Making email work for you” or if you would like a copy of our book, please head to the website
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