What we achieve is a marker of success, however how you conducted the business will stay in the memory a lot longer. Whether you gain repeat work is often decided on whether the interaction was pleasant. Retention of teams is down to how well a leader deploys their emotional intelligence and whether you want to continue working with them.
The good news is that we can work on your emotional intelligence and make it relevant and practical. If you use the five concepts from Daniel Goleman’s research:-
1. Self Awareness – “What shadow do you cast?”
What memory do you leave in peoples minds, do you cast a really good impression of who you are. Is every interaction with you consistent and therefore when people meet who have met you in other separate situations they have the same view.
2. Self Motivation – “What gets you out of bed?”
The drive to push you forward comes from within, you don’t need a line manager, telling you the way. Clear goals and a future plan, always self directed.
3. Self Management – “When to react and when not to?”
Managing your hot buttons and being emotional when appropriate and being aware of slippage of inappropriate outbursts.
4. Social Awareness – “What signals are you picking up?”
Being emotionally astute you will know when some-one wants to talk and when they don’t. Getting really skilled at “reading the signals”. People often indicate they want to connect with you through their body language and not verbally, so you need to be aware of all the indicators.
5. Relationship Management – “What frequency are they on?”
Understanding some-one else takes a relationship to another level and this happens when you use empathy. Stephen Covey describes this as “Seek first to understand before being understood”.
We can measure our emotional intelligence by simply giving yourself a score out of 10 each week in each of the five areas. You will know where to develop and breaking them down you can accept slippage and learn from it.
To demystify emotional intelligence attend a workshop with nuggets and take a look at our website for how we work with companies www.nuggetsoflearning.co.uk
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