Everything that we eat is what we are about, in terms of mind, body and spirit. You can wrap it up by saying our overall well being is dictated by what we put in.
Whether it be food or good thinking.
I was very lucky last Monday to attend a talk by Liz Earle MBE an advocate for well being. The subject is far reaching, from labelling on food to how many hours we sleep and what is actually in sun cream.
Liz made sense and as an example of well being, looked amazing.
She was interviewed by a friend so the atmosphere was warm and comfortable. Liz began by explaining her journey from journalist, to TV, creating the Skincare range and to her current work of writing and presenting on well being.
We make decisions on what we know and yet often we do not apply much thinking to what we are eating. You could spend lots of time working out nutritional values however Liz made it very easy. Think about what you are eating and what they have been eating, and then some things are just straightforward e.g. things from the ground. If you know the route to your mouth and you are happy then you will enjoy your food.
Packaging to food is now very complex and often misleading. Recently Waitrose ran a campaign on British Lamb it turned out the recipe was British however the lamb being sold was New Zealand. We have to be take our own personal responsibility to look beyond the initial message.
Sleep is possibly a good starting point for well being and Liz shared the fact that 7.5 hours a night is the optimum. Time before midnight is far more valuable than after. So getting to bed earlier is more effective than staying in for that lie in the next morning. Banking sleep works in the short term.
As a nation we all need vitamin D and 20 minutes in the sun will possibly do us a world of good and the Liz Earle skincare range does not contain any SPF. It is again about using the right tools for the right job. If you want to protect yourself from the sun, use an expensive sun cream that does that job, don’t expect your normal skin care to do that for you. This is true in business don’t expect your accountant to advise on your marketing. Everything does the job you ask it to do.
Liz Earle has been incredibly successful in so many areas and one of her key messages was
“Be different – have a business that looks different”
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