Systems lead to goals so think about all the different ways you can get to your new job and most importantly enjoy the process.
There is no doubt that people lead to jobs the old expression “not what you know but who you know…” Create a list of everyone you know, don’t judge at this stage whether they will be useful go for quantity. Once you have a substantial list, then you can categorise, Gold, Silver & Bronze. This is now your coffee list, who can you meet who will be helpful. The Gold’s are working for your dream company, the Silver people might be in the right industry and the Bronze maybe a network of existing friends and colleagues. Set yourself targets as to how often you see a Bronze and see two Silvers a month and stretch for one Gold. Keep the momentum and make sure the list is very much a working document, notes added as to how the coffee progressed, did you get new contacts etc…
Trading up and giving back
Everybody likes to help everyone, and likewise see what you can do for others. We are all equipped to be altruistic it is often the case that no-one asks. You might feel easier asking for help knowing that you can offer a service/favour or a contact for them.
New Vibe
Try working in different space especially if you feel disloyal looking for a job whilst in the office, or likewise if you are already not working, home can become too familiar. We often challenge our thinking in a new environment. The vibe of the surroundings might give you a more ambitious mindset.
Your Tribe
Your resilience levels might feel depleted as looking for a new position is tiring. Surround yourself in the evenings with people who really see you.
Achievement underpins motivation so you will need some metrics in place to keep up the momentum. You can use your Gold/Silver and Bronze list, but also have other targets. The number of applications with a conversion rate to interview.
Show off
Write blogs and articles about what makes your heart sing. Keep yourself immersed in the world you want to work in and reignite your knowledge skills that you have. Post and comment on things in your work community, enjoy being an expert.
Job hunting need not be a passive or reactive exercise, embrace it by being as proactive as possible.
For more tips and ideas or one to one coaching please do get in touch
01483 898 936
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Surrey, GU5 0HS
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