“We would never tell some-one with a broken leg that they should stop wallowing and get it together. We don’t consider taking medication for an ear infection something to be ashamed of. We shouldn’t treat mental health conditions any differently” – Michelle Obama
This Thursday is national Time to Talk day, which is crucial to alleviating the anxieties in our heads. Literally lifting them out by chatting and sharing with others. Think how you can get people talking:-
Being kind to yourself is also massively important. Shahroo Izadi in her book the Kindness Method strongly advocates setting time aside to have a conversation with yourself. Look down on the world of you and think what you want it to look like. Think about the advice you give a friend it would be kind and well meaning, therefore speak the same way to yourself.
Share with others how you keep your mind/body/heart and soul in check. Do you have daily or weekly rituals around all the areas. Stephen Covey describes this as the Whole Person, and each area needs to be fed often, he says think of it as your weekly compass:-
Chat to others about what they are grateful for, or even buy a loved one a Gratitude Journal. Taking time to appreciate what we have rather than looking at what we don’t. Think of people you are grateful for and spend more time with individuals who see you.
On Thursday start a conversation around what gives you immediate happiness and what do you considered delayed happiness. This is from the book The Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters, he explains that it is far better to manage our Chimp brain than to control it. Therefore how do you feed it with immediate/delayed happiness. It might be a cup of coffee gives you an immediate boost and the delayed is planning the night out with friends.
Simply on Thursday try “ I’ve been feeling…… can we talk ?” sharing will start the conversation.
Please do get in touch for one to one coaching or a workshop around “Time to Talk” bev@nuggetsoflearning.co.uk
01483 898 936
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