Diabetes at 50!! So I became a Type 1 Diabetic actually at 51 years of age but 50 sounds a better number. It has been a steep learning curve where I have learnt to be:-
Inevitably the diagnosis of any health condition is not just physical it is mental as well. The adjustment to the way you approach life changes.
My experience is not unique there are currently a rise in the number of Type 1 Diabetics. Is the increase a consequence of Covid or was it inevitable with people who have a propensity to a weak auto-immune systems. The situation is not reversable so the way forward is to live with the condition, not let it define you but adjust to it and lead it.
As my story is not unusual I wanted to share it publicly and combine my coaching skills with others who are experiencing changes in life. I am launching my new coaching sessions and calling them a “Change of Landscape”.
Whether it be Diabetes or a recent life change adjustment where you have to dig deep to lead the circumstances.
My approach as a coach is to be your accountability partner and your No.1 Cheerleader. Navigating life with a coach gives you a sounding board who listens to everything you say and everything you don’t say.
I would never have been able to tackle my diagnosis without my amazing coach Debbie Green.
When life gives you a curve ball it not unusual for it to come off the back off other life events. My mother was dying and I think my neglect of my own mental and physical well being played apart in the decline. So overcoming grief and diabetes meant that the landscape changed very rapidly. Two children going to University left me with an empty nest, no parents and of course Diabetes!! Please do get in touch if I can help you with your “Change of Landscape”
01483 898 936
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