I am not alone in feeling slightly overwhelmed with working out the conundrum of how we ease out of lockdown.
We can only focus on the things we can influence which helps ease the pressure in your mind and makes you feel calmer. Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People explains the difference of proactive and reactive thinking. If you draw two circles one labelled Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence, when you have filled the Circle of Concern focus on the items within that circle that you can influence, these are items you can personally action. If you cannot, they are beyond your influence and you need to take them out of the circle and effectively take them out of your head.
Another resource that helps us focus on life after lockdown is the follow up to “Who moved my cheese…” a book called “Out of the maze…” both written by Spencer Johnson.
Rather appropriately there is a quote early on in the book from a character called Hope:-
“I don’t think things ever go back to how they were, here’s my thought though. Maybe they can turn out better than they were”
Beliefs we have of how we worked before lockdown might be holding us back, after all “A belief is a thought that you trust is true”. Some of us believed we could never work from home. The book encourages us to believe that some beliefs can lift you up. Look at how well we have coped and what we have achieved already in lockdown.
You can change your mind, you can choose new beliefs, which is what we will have to do when our organisations explain how we will return to our offices.
Suggestions already are:-
You are not held prisoner by a belief and remember you are the person who chooses your beliefs. What would you do if you believed everything was possible. There are no limits to what you can believe. We often have to believe something is going to work before we can see it working. It will be important for Leaders to work with them teams in creating a positive mindset and this will be reinforcing an existing strong culture or resetting the culture.
There will be so many unknowns that we have to let go of beliefs in the past which means losing old baggage and applying new thinking and an open mind. We might get some initiatives wrong, however if we all hold out on the belief that is possible we will all be more responsive to the change.
We need to find joy in exploring the impossible together and remember we are not changing who we are, because as we have a new belief or new thinking. There is not a limit on what you can believe, can do, experience and above all enjoy.
Please do get in touch for coaching over Zoom, virtual workshops or look out for our nuggets bookclub. We are very much still here to support individuals and business “To help people think and work differently…” bev@nuggetsoflearning.co.uk
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