When a Doctor diagnoses a condition, do you immediately change your habits. We have to want to change and that is our own private relationship with kindness.
We have to be kind to ourselves and understand why we want to be. When you are on a plane they always ask you to apply the oxygen mask to yourself first before helping others. The priority is you.
It all begins with changing our habits and ensuring that they are natural and sustainable. If you want to stop smoking, sudden abstinence is not kind however, going from 10 cigarettes to 3 is easier and kinder.
From a business perspective, you are overwhelmed by your emails, so you have a habit of processing them all at the same time. Understand this methodology is not kind to yourself, prioritise them first. Set a time limit on processing them.
In order to change your habits you have to understand your triggers. When do you find the desire to break from the pattern.
Trigger for a smoker might be a night out. Before you set out for the evening only take the cigarettes you intend to smoke, don’t let the trigger break the good work you have done already.
When you are busy the trigger for your emails is the alert that you have new mail, simply turn it off and be kind to you.
The perception in the past has often been that being kind to yourself is indulgent however we cannot truly be kind to others unless we understand how to be kind to ourselves. Kindness is unconditional and if you get in the habit of doing it, as with anything it will become natural.
Think about people you love and decide whether you would wish kindness on them and turn the tables and think how loved you are.
Be kind to you…
Please do get in touch for 1:1 coaching bev@nuggetsoflearning.co.uk
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