The follow up to “Who moved my cheese…?” has arrived, and what perfect timing for me personally and for the world in general.
For those of you who have not read the bestseller “Who moved my cheese…?’ the theme is that cheese is a metaphor for what you want to have in life and the maze is where you look for what you want. The book emphasises the need to adapt to change and move with the cheese.
The new book asks the question what if you don’t know where to begin.
The central character is locked by the fact change has happened and the belief that things will never be the same. However he meets the character “Hope” who says “Maybe they can turn out better than they were…”
We have beliefs that we get locked into and they can hold you prisoner in a mindset. A belief is a thought that you trust is true, which can be either hold you down or lift you up. Therefore you can change your mind if you choose a new belief. You must not become the belief, you are the person who chooses your beliefs.
This links very closely to the work of Carol Dweck who talks about giving our children a growth mindset and not a fixed mindset.
An example:- if you have a belief that you are bad at public speaking you will never put yourself in a position to speak.
If you change the belief that you are good at speaking in small groups, therefore you will be just as good public speaking.
The book “Out of the maze…” goes even further by saying – there are no limits to what you can believe. You can simply change your mind by having new beliefs.
Sometime we have to believe before we can see the result so that we get into the right frame of mind.
An example:- believe you can sell your business before you have put it on the market and then you will do all that is necessary to get it ready to sell
On the journey to get out of the maze the character had to lose old baggage which is a metaphor for old thinking and beliefs. We often on the journey have to seek out the very things we have always avoided. Explore what has until now always seemed impossible.
The reflections at the end of the book, put it very succinctly “The Maze I need to get out of? is my own thinking”
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