Treat people as individuals, adopting an appropriate communication style to genuinely connect with each member of your team, this will increase engagement and consistently draws out the best in people.
These interpersonal skills can be refined starting with awareness and understanding of what drives behaviour, and an acceptance and appreciation of others, leading onto greater relationship effectiveness.
Good leadership starts with self-awareness. Being aware of what drives our own behaviour, as well as identifying your strengths and recognising your weaknesses.
Teams can be a complex mix of people. For a leader to understand a team, they need to understand the elements that make the team – the people. They also need to understand the connections between the elements – the relationships between the people on the team.
Acceptance & Appreciation
Awareness of a person’s motive can make it easier to accept and appreciate why others behave the way they do. An approach that will increase a leader’s ability to enable people to perform at their best, develop a greater range of effective strengths whilst staying authentically connected to what drives them as individuals.
Understand, the purpose and objectives of the team and the results they desire. Then they will build trust, encourage challenge and debate and gain commitment and accountability for the achievement of those results.
By understanding what really drives the team, where their strengths lie and how these elements steer both their behaviour and the way they interact with others, a unifying leadership style naturally develops.
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