We unconsciously committ to life within a comfort zone as there are no guarantees in a stretch zone. However the more time we step into stretch the more comfortable it gets at doing its job and the more it stretches.
Has there been an occasion recently when you were forced to stretch and make that leap out of your comfort zone. It is often at times where we have no control and we have not made the choice that we grow.
For anyone who has attended a nuggets workshop will know I surround the room with flip charts and I have a mind map that I work from for the agenda. I arrived at a Clients without the flip charts luckily the trusted mind map was there. Not only were the flip charts not packed but also one of the key exercises a set of laminated headlines.
I was in stretch for the next 3 hours. The first job was to recreate the flip charts I had prepared. The exercise of headlines turned out better than the original, I asked delegates to use their phones to find sensational headlines. Of course trainers are always advocating phones on silent, however the liberation of using a phone was brilliant and also made the exercise far more current and relevant.
It is not a place that we choose to step into, however we adapt and survive, so try and step out more often of your comfort zone as stretch is there ready and waiting to grow.
Please do get in touch for workshops and coaching bev@nuggetsoflearning.co.uk
01483 898 936
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