We often use review tools when we are facilitating a team or strategy day and one of our favourites is Highlights and Lowlights.
Delivering a course that has been effective for a long period of time and gives a good return is a Highlight but might not necessarily be a surprise.
However a module within a workshop on email led to writing a book “Making email work for you” this was a Highlight and a huge surprise.
We can all identify with the time that Brexit is taking and that comes as a Lowlight but really no surprise.
The Lowlights that are surprise are those ideas that are brilliant in your head, however when they get executed they are not quite as effective as you thought. Famous examples might be the Dyson washing machine.
Reviewing anything and everything is a leadership quality. We can use the four boxes to review:-
You will be surprised with the data you get from a review and importantly what you go onto do with the knowledge.
Please do get in touch bev@nuggetsoflearning.co.uk
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