Don’t just be a follower in the office world, start to lead your behaviours and your thinking. Take back control of your time and your mental well being.
Challenge your attendance at meetings by ensuring you know the purpose before you attend. If you are chairing the meeting keep it short and memorable. More than three participants will it really give you the answers you need.
Manage your email by booking an appointment with it, don’t drift in and out of your in-box, a lot will be irrelevant and take your mind away from work.
Type messages on a proper keyboard, nothing is that urgent that you have to resort to a tiny phone key pad or use emojis for real actions. Everyone can wait.
Always have a proper to-do list and rank the items in order “what if…?” If that task was not completed what would be the worst that could happen.
Be realistic and only write down the tasks you will really complete that day. Create buckets for the other tasks, e.g. weekly, monthly and overall project list.
Pick up the phone more and speak to a “real” person, often quicker than the email, to get your view across takes many written words.
Ensure that you do not have your phone with you at meal times, enjoy the ritual of eating again. Go a stage further and ask that there are no phones at your meeting, (it will be a lot faster with no distractions).
Give yourself space and time for thinking, book an appointment for it.
Take back control and lead your life.
Please do get in touch for 1:1 coaching or a Time Management workshop
01483 898 936
Nuggets of Learning Limited
Bramley Manor,
High Street, Bramley,
Surrey, GU5 0HS
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