Too many things to do, and too many tasks and a shortage of time. We fall into the scarcity trap, which is where are cognitive bandwidth cannot process any more data. Long term memories are stored, but the short term space is limited. We make poor decisions if we have overload.
We need time to uncover and unwind, if we ruminate on the day it comes home with us. A psychologist, Zeigarnik explained how interrupted and uncompleted tasks stayed in the mind far longer than completed. The studies showed waiters remembered orders whilst the service was in progress when asked afterwards which orders belonged to which customers they were unable to recall. Tasks not finished fill the mind.
Multi tasking is not the answer as it takes 40% longer to complete a task if you have switched at some point. Doing two things at once is really bad for the concentration and quality will suffer. Studies in America suggest that speaking on your mobile phone whilst driving is as bad as being under the influence of alcohol.
Some suggestions for protecting your bandwidth are:-
People who fill their bandwidth are creating the illusion of efficiency, if you have checked your emails before going into the meeting your mind is in the email not the meeting. Management of your bandwidth will lead to greater accomplishments.
Replace the word busy and approach busy differently…
Please do contact nuggets for a workshop on managing bandwidth
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