Most people complain about not having enough time, so why would you ever need to contemplate killing time. All good time management courses get you to fill the time you have and be prepared for transition time so there really are no voids.
When some-one else’s agenda is forced upon you and they are in position where they have nothing to do in the space you “kill time”.
Initially if you are slipping off a busy agenda you mentally fight the imposed time you have been given to waste. We adjust slowly and there is now so much visual stimulation that do we ever totally switch off. The phone is a constant link to another place and time you could be at the moment when you are supposedly doing nothing.
Managing time is all about managing our own behaviour and another choice as to whether we choose to kill time and relax into it.
Time as a definition is “A non spatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future”. We can accept the flow from past/present to future or we can mourn the passing of time.
The most positive approach might be:- “Don’t count every hour in the day – make every hour in the day count”
Please look at our website for 90 minutes of learning on managing time or contact
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