Working as a coach you can get right to the end of the session before you get to that transformational moment.
When you start on a journey with a client you want to get to that point where you evoke transformation. The client recognises a new way of seeing a situation their thinking changes and they can see a new response.
We get trapped in our daily rituals and don’t often have fresh eyes on changing our routine. A coach challenges your thinking and gets you to change the status quo.
As a coach you must always trust that your client is naturally creative, resourceful and whole as a person. They always have the answers you ask the questions to unlock their thoughts to evoke change.
The agenda belongs to the client and you follow as the trusted guide. You are responsible in this role, and challenge only where appropriate.
The coach must ensure accountability around any change, you want to see progression so therefore actions must be held to account.
Acknowledging progress and championing the clients achievements is essential for motivation and relationship building.
The coach is responsible for articulating the thoughts of their client and constantly reflecting using their words where their journey is taking them.
As a client and a coach to evoke transformation is very uplifting.
Please do get in touch for 1:1 coaching
01483 898 936
Nuggets of Learning Limited
Bramley Manor,
High Street, Bramley,
Surrey, GU5 0HS
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