Back in June I wrote a post on “systems lead to goals” and I wanted to revisit it with even more examples.
On Thursday last week we ran a team build to demonstrate that processes/systems lead to goals and that we needed to visually display the flow to see if there were any gaps and to add or takeaway any steps. We often explain this form of process mapping by saying it is like making a pizza:-
To make a pizza you do need a base first you cannot jump ahead and put your tomato sauce on first. Just with systems at work there will be a stage that must come before another.
Before the team build started we asked all delegates to think about systems or processes in their lives that are really effective and why they are important.
The reasons were very valid as to why the systems were important and some of them had repercussions if they did not commit to the system.
In work if we are not the Manager or the business owner we may not commit to the repercussions and take the responsibility as it might get lost, however our own personal systems we sign up to.
Commitment and buy-in to the system is vital. Getting your system right is far more rewarding long term than just reaching a goal and not really understanding why.
During the workshop we kept referring back to the personal systems to demonstrate the importance of being disciplined to the process and the systems. There were challenges as to why they could not jump ahead and prepare other pieces of work in advance, and we explained this would be like sending out a pizza with cheese and no tomato (bit dry)!!
Often when you reach a goal there is that feeling of what next…? If you get a system flowing then you can achieve many goals and you can be constantly motivated by your achievements.
For a workshop on “Systems lead to goals” please contact
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