Values get put into place between the age of 0-7 years of age, what is wrong and right in the world, and they provide a compass then throughout life. We often lose our direction and drift from our values as we are presented with new thoughts and beliefs. We will be challenged on what we believe is wrong and right in the world by so many outside influences.
When we are true to our values and use them as our compass we fill good about ourselves. So how can we truly understand what makes us tick and know what we believe to be wrong and right. There are profiling tools that identify our motivation and what drives our behaviour which can be very useful in providing a big picture. The Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) was written by Elias Porter in the 1970’s and provides 7 very easy motivational value systems (using colours to label their identity) They are mapped onto a triangle, which is shown below:-
To have a wide view is one piece of the jigsaw, but think back to some of the fundamentals we developed between 0-7 years of age.
As there are so many distractions and challenges to our values, put in place your own compass, think about your direction and right down what you value.
What you focus on becomes reality and being true to what we value makes us feel good and valid in the world.
nuggets can provide a half day workshop on motivation to identify motivational value systems using the Strength Deployment Inventory – please contact
01483 898 936
Nuggets of Learning Limited
Bramley Manor,
High Street, Bramley,
Surrey, GU5 0HS
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