On your mind…
Write down all the projects that require one or more action – also write an outcome sentence for each of them. Remember to do home and work…
Physical Gathering
Files to create
We are the generation of knowledge workers and “stuff” has a choice attached to it, your responsibility…
Tip an “in” basket upside down and deal with one piece of paper at a time never put the whole pile on your desk to process.
Master Workflow Diagram
Moving stuff in 5 areas:-
Use your calendar efficiently, this should record all time specific and daily information for appointments – trust the system do not record this information again.
Weekly Review
Absolutely critical if you want to trust your system – set aside 2 hours to review the week and process the buckets of the forthcoming week.
The project support material should be part of your filing system not attached to the project list – otherwise you will waste time processing.
Planning Model
When planning a project put it through these stages:-
It never hurts to ask Why? and is it will define the following:-
It is often about wearing the right costume or outfit, you feel like gardening if you have your wellingtons on, you will get things done if you alter your behavioural patterns and set the right scene.
This is a book review of “Getting things done”
To book a workshop please contact bev@nuggetsoflearning.co.uk
01483 898 936
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Bramley Manor,
High Street, Bramley,
Surrey, GU5 0HS
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