How many shoe polishes have you bought over they years as you knew the sales assistant would get commission from the polish not the shoes. We bought the polish because we liked them, they had served us like a human, the sales pitch on the polish was pitiful. You still have so many different leather creams in your cupboard you have no ideas what they do for the shoes.
Memory of good service lasts longer than the product if it is done exceptionally.
Upserving means doing more for the other person than he expects or you initially intended, taking the extra steps that transform a mundane interaction into a memorable experience.
When you are next tempted to upsell stop what you are doing and upserve. Don’t try and increase what they can do for you. Elevate what you can do for them.
Listen to upserve language:-
Think this week in your business how you can upserve and not upsell – the principle comes from the Daniel H Pink book “To Sell is Human”.
We can deliver a workshop on “Upserving” please contact:-
01483 898 936
Nuggets of Learning Limited
Bramley Manor,
High Street, Bramley,
Surrey, GU5 0HS
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