The start of the year is a good time to change working practices and be more effective.
I have tried so many time and project management schedules and different goal setting formulas. However I recently read an article which simplifies the way we work each day:-
Adapted from the HBR Guide to Getting the Right Work Done.
My other top tip is to just look at daily to do list – the whole week can seem overwhelming. Each day I am being realistic and typing it quickly onto a notes page in my iPad and already feeling good for 2013. Achievement underpins motivation so the more you get done the better you feel, however just looking at one list and it being realistic will be far more satisfying than a huge raft of challenges.
For most people today will be the first day back at work, so really think about your rituals, as the article suggests see if you can do the same things at the same time each day.
nuggets can help on a 1:1 basis with coaching or book a 90 minute time management session for your team.
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